Sunday, 9 September 2012


Recently we visited Columbia State Historic Park.  It's an amazing place that has much to recommend it for a visit, but the best part of all (to weak-willed me, anyhow) are the two sweet shops.  The rich smell of good chocolate... the nostalgia of old-fashioned candies... we couldn't help but get a few things.

I regret not trying these (and will, next time!):

The fruit jellies were magnificent and bursting with flavour.  YUM.

Hard at work chocolate-dipping by hand.

Peanut brittle setting in the candy kitchen.


  1. I *want* that chocolate shop. :-D

    Some of those chocolates look as if they have the capacity to induce double vision and descent into baby talk just by inhaling the scent. Oh to spend a night accidentally locked in that shop ... muhahahaha ...

  2. Visit me in Steamboat and you get treated to Fuzziwigs :-)
